Matching the terms with their definitions.
1. E <em>Sparta's</em> main strength was its army
2. C The<em> Assembly</em> set the rules and maintained authority within the city-state
3. A <em>"Direct Democracy"</em> was the first name given to the Greek democracy
4. D <em>Athens's</em> main strength was its navy
5. B In 594 b.c. <em>Solon</em> was chosen as an Athenian statesman with reformation powers
Atbilde ir apakšā.
Eiropas politika, filozofija, zinātne un komunikācija radikāli pārorientējās “garā 18. gadsimta” (1685-1815) laikā kā daļu no kustības, ko tās dalībnieki dēvē par Saprāta laikmetu vai vienkārši Apgaismību.
Ceru tas palīdzēs!!
The Treaty of Versailles that formally ended World War One, imposed reparations of 132 billion gold marks on Germany. The payments had to be made mainly to France and Britain. The amount was exorbitant and the German economy was so troubled in the 1920s that it could not pay those reparations.
The United State is the last to join.