then the population is below carrying capacity.
A population size will remain stable if the birth rate and the death rate are equal, as are the rate of emigration and the rate of immigration When a population has inhabited an area for a long time and the population size has stabilized because of resource limitations Carrying capacity has been reached
Stores nutrients and cellular waste products.
Vacuole is a space that is line with membrane and within the cell that lacks cytoplasm but filled with fluid.
They are important cytoplasmic organelles and perform certain functions such as storage, ingestion, digestion, excretion, and expulsion of excess water.
In plant, large central vacuoles enable them to attain a large size without accumulating the bulk that would make metabolism difficult.
Fertilizer from farms, lawns, and gardens is the largest source of nutrients that cause artificial eutrophication. Phosphates in some laundry and dish-washing detergents are another major cause of eutrophication . Phosphorus is a plant nutrient that can cause the excessive growth of algae
The reactions of glycolysis that are shared with those in gluconeogenesis (ie use the same enzymes) are those that Are regulated steps.
Glycolisis and gluconeogenesis are two mechanisms related to the carbohydrates metabolism. Sometimes they are considered reverse processes. However, they are different because of the control points they have where reactions are irreversible.
Glycolisis and gluconeogenesis share 7 common reactions, that are reversible. Thses reactions are coordinated and regulated by F-2 and 6-BP as the answer to the hormonal action.
Glycolisis happens in the muscle, while Gluconeogenesis happens in the liver. Together they form the "Cori Cycle".
The correct answer is Eutrophication.
When a body of water become enriched with nutrients and minerals and induces growth of algae and plants is referred to as eutrophication.
The process of eutrophication can result to water body depletion.
When there is increase in nutrient levels there is increase in phytoplankton in the water body.
Discharge of nitrates which contain sewage, fertilizer, and detergents in aquatic system may induce the eutrophication.