You're right! The correctly written sentence is: C. Lita was devastated and started wailing when she heard the news. I hope this verifies your choice. Have a great day.
Prefix: CO
Prefix meaning: Together
Meaning of the word <em>coalesce</em>: Two or more elements growing together until becoming a unity or a whole mass. The <u>prefix</u> <em>co </em>gives a sense of an element doing something jointly with somenthing else to achieve a common goal.
There's some truth to the idea that alcohol can reduce stress. Alcohol is a sedative and a depressant that affects the central nervous system. At first, drinking can reduce fears and take your mind off of your troubles. It can help you feel less shy, give you a boost in mood, and make you feel generally relaxed.
eNol seo wwe etl veza oeta coasr x ds