The right answer is A.
Insecticides are active substances or phytosanitary preparations with the property of killing insects, their larvae and / or their eggs. They are part of the family of pesticides, themselves included in the family of biocides, both of which are regulated in Europe by specific directives.
Some pestiids such as organoclorides are broad-spectrum, ie they act on several insects at the same time (whether they are good or bad).
Competition for resources like food and space cause the growth rate to stop increasing, so the population levels off. ... The carrying capacity (K) is the maximum population size that can be supported in a particular area without destroying the habitat. Limiting factors determine the carrying capacity of a population. Population Growth Limits | CK-12 Foundation
a microscope is used to enhance small objects like cells.
The main structural difference between LDL and HDL is their compositions. Approximately 50% of the weight of an LDL particle is cholesterol and only 25% is protein. High-density lipoprotein particles, on the other hand, consist of 20% percent cholesterol by weight and 50% protein.