A tornado happens when you mix cold with hot
the CPU utilization decreases as the degree of multiprogramming is increased.
The fundamental concept is that allocating a process with too few frames causes too many and frequent page faults. This implies that the CPU does not perform any useful work and thus its utilization would decrease drastically. In this case, the long-term scheduler, in a bid to improve the utilization of the CPU, would load more processes into the memory so as to increase the extent of multiprogramming. As a result, there would be more decrease in the utilization of the CPU, leading to a chained reaction of higher page faults, which is then followed by a corresponding increase in the multiprogramming degree, usually known as thrashing.
Wrong, You should get renters insurance to insure your items that you do have or will recieve in the future are safe
Permission can't be sought in order to use a play that is in the public domain.
Whats the question lmaoooooooooooooooooooooo