In the United States, the Constitution is the ultimate "law of the land," meaning that the federal government has sovereignty over the states--although some powers are "shared".
The Mughal (or Mogul) Empire ruled most of India and Pakistan in the 16th and 17th centuries. It consolidated Islam in South Asia, and spread Muslim (and particularly Persian) arts and culture as well as the faith. The Mughals were Muslims who ruled a country with a large Hindu majority
WWI was started because a Serbian nationalist assassinated archduke Francis Ferdinand and acting like a friend who is in a fight Germany jumped in and held Serbia responsible for the assassination starting WWI. The effect s it had on European countries were the collapse of their economies and wanting Germany to pay war reparations mostly to Britain and France totaling to 33 billion dollars this is when the Great Depression started after the stock market crash and the failure of banks.
trans-Saharan trade routes
The Roman Empire was the first actual empire that was created they also had a different kind of beliefs, and not only that they did have a Greek side of them which they consider themselves above and better than the Greeks. This empire was one of the first empires that had emperors then to 1 king known as Tarquin.