c.) to allow listeners to absorb the meaning of important lines
noooo :(
Hi, So what you do is you go into google docs and go write a poem about whats on you mind or something you read about
Sorry if im making it more confusing i dont have this question but i had a simular question like this but good luck
1. c) Boys and girls are equally talented
2 b) we can hear it easily
3 d) both (b) and (c) are correct
4(a) nature
5 a) tied so closely that it cannot be separated
Vico dies in the book five midnights. On the cusp of 18, Javier Utierre is struggling to hold on to his sobriety when Vico is found dead.
Five Midnights is a story about friend-ship, young love, over-coming rough child-hoods, and beating addict-ion, all wrapped in a narrative that has a mon-ster dragging people to their death un-der the cover of night. It’s also a tale that has a su-perb sense of place and that shin-es a light into the experie-nces of those who are caught in the inter-stitial space bet-ween cultures.
Multi-culturalism and accept-ance are two of the under-lying elements of the story, there is also a strong sen-se of history that often app-ears in the novel.
To know more about multiculturalism click below: