Helium is extracted in a few places in the world, namely USA, Algeria, Russia and Qatar. Helium is abundant in space, where it's produced as a product of the fusion reaction inside stars such as the sun.
Selection that acts, over evolutionary time, to enhance traits that increase an individual's ability to mate frequently or with quality partners is known as <u>sexual selection.</u>
Sexual selection : The process through which males and females attempt to maximise their chances of reproductive success is called sexual selection. It is a form of natural selection. Charles Darwin suggested sexual selection. Animals compete with others of the same species for the chance to mate.
<u>For example:</u> Male widow-bird grows exceptional long tail feathers, females lack tail feathers.
This could be the superior and inferior articulate facets
High-residue cover cropping is an adaption of conservation tillage in which a high-biomass cover crop is grown during the winter and is rolled or cut down prior to no-till or strip-till planting in spring.
Implantation, gestation, and birth. Reproductive patterns in placental mammals are diverse, but in all cases a secretory phase is present in the uterine cycle, and the endometrium is maintained by secretions of progesterone from the corpus luteum.