Answer: The allusion reminds the audience that 100 years have passed since the Emancipation Proclamation, yet inequality still exists.
The Emancipation Proclamation by Abraham Lincoln was an Executive Order made in 1863 freeing all slaves in the Confederacy which should have had the effect of giving them equality in society.
Dr. King is decrying the fact that a hundred years after that Proclamation was made, the people who it was supposed to free were still being viewed through the eyes of racial inferiority and were therefore considered unequal in society.
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No good answer for this, but the word avenger comes to mind
Grendel's mother arrived in Heorot after the ceremony held on behalf of Beowulf, to thank the warrior for his victory over Grendel. The warriors were resting in the mead hall when Grendel's mother grabbed Aeschere, a warrior most dear to Hrothgar and her son's bloodied arm that was on display.
direct current sources, like batteries, motor vehicles or rectifiers, or by alternating current (AC) sources, such as a power grid, inverters or electrical generators