Since its start a century ago, Communism, a political and economic ideology that calls for a classless, government-controlled society in which everything is shared equally, has seen a series of surges—and declines. What started in 1917 Russia, became a global revolution, taking root in countries as far flung as China and Korea to Kenya and Sudan to Cuba and Nicaragua.
Nowadays, and after fresh water, <em>Sand</em> is the most used natural resource on the planet.
Sand is a loose, fragmented material, comprised of tiny particles of scattered rocks, shells, corals and other minerals.
The most common sand is comprised of <em>quartz</em> and feldspar, which are high in silica content, stuffs used to make glass; and to produce semiconductor silicon chips for microprocessors.
Sand is the raw material used to produce integrated circuits and the glass for contact lenses.
And Sand processing has grown into a multi billion dollar business, turning the role of Sand in our lives widespread farther away our beloved beaches.
The first printing press. Before 1440 only a few thousand handwritten texts existed across Europe.
It’s referred to as intimate terrorism or intimate partner violence (IPV). It is a form of domestic violence where there’s physical abuse involved in a relationship in order to keep control over the other person. The abuser is so desperately attached to the person that they use violence in order to keep them, and they try to control every aspect of their life. Forms of abuse used include emotional abuse, sexual abuse, physical abuse, verbal abuse, and coercive control.