Dhiki - used to grind rice, grains etc
jato - also used for grinding purposes
There has been a presidential Turkey pardon every year since like 1949 i think. this is just where the president pardons one turkey from getting cooked because over 50 million turkeys are served up on thanksgiving day
During American history, presidents have shaped and celebrated this holiday in differents ways, and their contribution is reflected in our days.
According to the White House Historical Association, the first president, George Washington, named Thursday, 11/26/1789. as a day of public thanksgiving, following a recommendation of the Congress.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt, left his mark on this holiday in two ways. In 1936 he became the first president to celebrate Thanksgiving outside of the United States. He was aboard the U.S.S. Indianapolis going to a conference in Buenos Aires. Later, in 1939, right during the Great Depression, he decided to push this holiday a week up, in order not to affect Christmas sales.
the journalist should state that there is a correlation between alcohol consumption and breast cancer in Japanese women.
For the journalist to write an article that is faithful to the scientific article she read about breast cancer and alcohol consumption in Japan, she must write in her article exactly the information presented in the scientific article. Thus, the journalist must refer to the scientific article from which the information was taken and state the same as the scientific article, ie, the journalist must state that there is a correlation between alcohol consumption and breast cancer in Japanese women.
I would say J.D Salinger because his first original work wasn't published until 1965 so he could have been an american author famous in the 1950s if his first work wasn't till 1965
I believe the answer you are looking for will be an Era