Japan began its invasion of China in 1931. The Japanese military had their way over the armed forces of China, and occupied parts of China important to their war aims.
this is the sample response
The US government provided American Indians with rations of bacon, beef, flour, coffee, sugar, soap, and soda. These food items were consistent with the Plains Indians’ diets. Annuities that were provided included blankets, clothing, needles, tin cups, and small axes. Many American Indians were dissatisfied with the reservations because of the restrictions on their freedom and the loss of their traditions. Also, the government did not provide the American Indians with enough food supplies to feed everyone, and many tribal members ended up leaving the reservations.
Biblical commentators believe the Books of Kings was written to provide a theological explanation for the destruction of the Kingdom of Judah by Babylon in c. 586 BCE and to provide a foundation for a return from Babylonian exile.
because salted meat could last a long time
Yes it was
The answer is yes, it was good for Hawaiians. The United States legislature enacted the hawaiian homes commission act to see that the Hawaiians are protected and also to see that the lives of native hawaiians are improved. Public lands were administered and given for homesteads. This was a rehabilitation program for the people.