The program is as follows:
<em>5 INPUT A,B</em>
<em>6 PROD = A * B</em>
<em>7 PRINT PROD</em>
<em>8 TOTAL = A + B</em>
<em>9 PRINT TOTAL</em>
<em>10 DIFF = A - B</em>
<em>11 PRINT DIFF</em>
<em>12 END</em>
This gets input for the two numbers
<em>5 INPUT A,B</em>
This calculates the product
<em>6 PROD = A * B</em>
This prints the calculated product
<em>7 PRINT PROD</em>
This calculates the sum
<em>8 TOTAL = A + B</em>
This prints the calculated sum
<em>9 PRINT TOTAL</em>
This calculates the difference
<em>10 DIFF = A - B</em>
This prints the calculated difference
<em>11 PRINT DIFF</em>
This ends the program
<em>12 END</em>
Using the computational knowledge in python it is possible to write a code that Write a recursive function called digit_count()
<h3>What is a function in Python?</h3>
In Python, a function is a sequence of commands that performs some task and that has a name. Its main purpose is to help us organize programs into chunks that correspond to how we envision a solution to the problem.
<h3>Writting the code in python:</h3>
<em>def countDigits(n):</em>
<em> if n< 10:</em>
<em> return 1</em>
<em> else:</em>
<em> return 1 + countDigits(n / 10)</em>
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Internal gear wear must be significant (visually obvious) to be the cause of off-center sharpening. Cutter carrier is rotating but the pencil is not sharpening (doesn't feel like the cutter is engaging the pencil) This is usually caused by a foreign object (e.g., an eraser or broken pencil lead) inside the pencil bore.
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