1010 0111 1101 1111
A = 10 in decimal = 1010 in binary
7 = 7 in decimal = 0111 in binary
D = 13 in decimal = 1101 in binary
F = 15 in decimal = 1111 in binary
Therefore 0xA7DF = 1010 0111 1101 1111 in binary
Thank You So Much For The Points.
NPV stands for Net Present Value, it is an important term in finance as it used to determine the value of money or investment based on a series of cashflows and specified discount rate. Excel provides a functions which aids easy calculation of the Net Present value of money or investment using the NPV formula. The syntax forbthe NPV formula is :
=NPV(rate,value 1, [value 2],...)
This formular requires only tow key parameters ; the discount rate, which comes first and the cashflows, which is designated in the syntax as values ; the cashflows is usually placed in a range of cells in excel and the cell range is inputed in the formular. Hence, the number of payments and future value aren't part of the NPV syntax.