Primary Source can be talking to a particpated person in government inform you and secondary source can be studying how history can change, being passed down.
<em>A primary source</em> is first hand. Ex: I experienced the Vietnam War. I tell people about the Vietnam War. its a primary source because it was first hand.The information was given to me first.
A secondary source is second hand. information passed down ,usually the second time. Ex: My friend who had experienced the Vietnam War himself ,told me about the enemies troops.
Hope this helps!!
The meaning of Muhaimin is 'Ruler, overlord, one who provides sanctuary from any hazard or danger. Al-Muhaimin, the All-preserver: one of the names of Allah..' The meaning of Muhaimin in Urdu Language and written like ' مہیمن'.
In general, the most powerful place for a woman to be in medieval society was the wife of a powerful man, preferably a king or noble person, since women themselves rarely held positions of power.