George Fox was a leader in a 17th-century Christian awakening from which came the Quaker movement (now known as the Society of Friends or the Friends Church). During civil strife between royalist and parliamentary forces, the movement spread rapidly across England and in American colonies, in spite of harassment under Commonwealth and Restoration governments that brought property loss, imprisonment, and sometimes death. By the end of the century, there were 100,000 Quakers, an American colony (Pennsylvania), and a strong public witness to Christian holiness, peace, religious freedom, participatory worship, business integrity and social justice.
Many early adherents were drawn from Seeker communities of Northern England. These Christians, disillusioned with monopolistic state religion, whether Catholic, Anglican, Presbyterian, or Independent, had been meeting informally for Bible study and prayer. George Fox forcefully articulated their criticism of the institutional church for its secondhand faith, sin-excusing doctrine, hireling ministry, and compromise with political powers. People responded eagerly to his proclamation of a new Day of the Lord in which the true church is being recovered and kingdom righteousness effected through Christ's presence and power.
Christianity first began as an outgrowth of "Judaism" since this was the preexisting and predominant religion in the area and since Jesus Chris actually died as a Jew himself.
Among the options given on the question the correct answer is otion A.
It Was Written By The Colonists To Ask The King To Protect Their Rights And To Tell Him They Wanted Peace. It Was Rejected By The King.
Explanation: The Olive Branch petition was a petition adopted by the continental congress to the British king which was adopted on July 5,1775 and was signed three days later.
The purpose of the petition was to avoid the war between the thirteen American colonies and the British.This petition affirmed the American loyalty to the Great Britain and asked the King George III to protect the rights of colonists. They also wanted to avoid the war by affirming the loyalty to the British king.But the British king rejected to read the letter and declared the proclamation of rebellion and announced the American colonies as the rebellion states.
However, this rejection led the Continental congress of the colonies to announce for their independence.
Therefore, the answer is option A.
The world's population today is much larger than it has been in anytime in the history of the world, and has been continuing to grow ever since the Industrial Revolution, since this raised the living standards and increased in incomes of an enormous number of people, especially in the western world. Advances in medicine have also played a major role.