Answer to first question is:
You can convert all fractions to decimals. The decimal forms of rational numbers either end or repeat a pattern. If the fraction is a mixed number, change it to an improper fraction. Divide the numerator by the denominator. If the division doesn't come out evenly, round the decimal off.
Answer to second question is: 0.222222
Answer to third question is: Yes
Step-by-step explanation:
Well the way I think of it is:
3/9 as a fraction is 1/3... so 1 divided by 3 equals 0.333333 repeating. You can even write it as:
0.3 with the fraction bar over it because it keeps repeating.
This goes for 2/9. All you have to do is do 2 divided by 9 and you get 0.222222 repeating. You can even write it as:
0.2 with the fraction bar over it because it keeps repeating.
Hope this helps, have a good day. c;