In the implementation of queue by using linked chain the performance of the enqueue operation is O(1).We have to maintain two pointers one head and the other tailand for enqueue operation we have to insert element to the next of the tail and then make that element tail.Which takes O(1) time.
Answer: An Internet-routable IP address (static) of the customer gateway's external interface for the on-premises network
Based on the information given, an Internet-routable IP address (static) of the customer gateway's external interface for the on-premises network need to be configured outside of the VPC for them to have a successful site-to-site VPN connection.
The Internet-routable IP address will be used in the identificatiob of each computer through the use of the Internet Protocol for the communication over a network.
The answer is D because u have the uppercase letter bold
d)"I have a really bad feeling about her. I don't know why."
By default, if you do not implement a constructor, the compiler will use an empty constructor (no parameters and no code). The following code will create an instance of the MyObject class using the default constructor. The object will have the default vauesfor all the attributes since no parameters were given.
MyObject obj = new MyObject();
Another type of constructor is one with no parameters (no-arg constructor). It is similar to the default, except you actually create this constructor. The contents of the the constructor may include anything. To call a no-arg constructor, use the same line of code as above. The constructor can look like the one below:
public MyObject() {
System.out.println("This is a no-arg constructor");
Lastly there is the parameterized constructor. This type of constructor takes in parameters as inputs to assign to values in the newly created object. You call a parameterized constructor as follows:
MyObject obj = new MyObject("Bob", 20);
The constructor will look like this:
public MyObject(String name, int age) { = name;
this.age = age;
In the constructor, the keyword "this" refers to the object, so is a private global variable that is being set equal to the inputted value for name, in this case "Bob".
Hope this helps!