How to make a good impression at a job interview:
“to make a good impression at a job interview, make sure to share accomplishments and be confident in what you want to achieve for your future. it is always necessary to be confident when getting asked questions.”
I like French bulldogs, chihuahuas, and corgis! Oh and Pomeranians
After the completion of my SLC Examination, I plan to visit some places, learn computer application and English language. I am intending to visit Pokhara, one of the beauty spots of the country. I can get entertainment and knowledge by visiting various places. It is also beneficialfor our health. For a few months, I will learn computer applications and English language. Nowadays computer knowledge is very important because computers are widelyused in all fields. Similarly, English is an international language. We should have good knowledge and skill of it. I am thinking of preparing an entrance examination. I am strongly willing to study science because I want to be doctor in future. That's why I will join a science college. I realize that hard labour andstrong determinationare basically required to study science and to be a doctor as well.