Of lower concentration and higher concentration
Cuando el hielo se calienta, comienza a derretirse y a formar agua, esto es progresivo
Generally people would say that the result are published in journals, and it is true that Journals are often the first opportunity for many people to read about those results.
However, it takes a long time to publish in a journal, and people often present their results to a smaller audience at a conference before the journal is ready.
100,000 years
A photon of light takes only eight minutes to get to the Earth from the surface of the Sun. But it can take 100,000 years from the core of the Sun to get to the surface. Where it bursts out and flies at the speed of light.
it's a summary of the number of individuals of each age in the population. Age structure is useful in understanding and predicting population growth. An understanding of population age structure is critically important to industries that harvest living organisms.
hope that i helped :)