Dioecious and monoecious plants actually have something in common, in that they both bear unisexual flowers. This means that each bloom has only male or female reproductive parts. With dioecious plants, the male and female blossoms appear on separate plants. With monoecious plants, each plant has both male and female flowers.
chloroplasts. Chloroplast is the organelles where photosynthesis take place
Answer: Energy is what makes change happen and can be transferred form one object to another. Power is the rate at which energy is transferred.
Answer: Option C.
Adipose tissues.
New glycerides are can either go to the liver once or circulation or stored in adipose tissue.
Adipose tissues are connective cells that consist of adipocytes or fat cells which store energy inform of fat and also release it into circulation. It serves as insulation to the body.
Adipose tissue stores fat gotten from food and from liver metabolism. They store fat as energy source and under energy stress, they release it into circulation.
<span>No, tigers do not hibernate. It is not a biological need of any members of the cat family.</span>