A social dimension of globalization would be one that is related to some aspect of society. This type of change results in a modification of the existing social structure.
The opening of a store is an economic change, but not a societal change. An increased number of automated banking machines is a great business change but is not societal. Finally, the establishment of call centers involves employment but not long-term societal changes.
The statement that "best describes Edwards's views" in 'Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God' is 'People who were "born again" in Christ would be spared'. EXPLANATION: Jonathan Edward's lecture depicts God as a furious and supreme one yet he is a loving and infinite
the oddest dream that i have ever had was one day i was in the bathroom brushing my hair and i kept on hearing these noises so i got anoide and held a cross and said o compel you demon and then a bright light just showed up and this voice started talking it said that i was a nice person and that another thing but then i didnt get to hear the rest cause i woke up i was so scared and shocked