She is the daughter of a farmer whose falling in love with Yanko is met with scron by her family and neighbors. She never showed a desire for conversation and didn't smile.
This is an example. Just look up Raindrop.
He objects to Ahab’s pursuit of a creature that is too cunning. Captain Ahab intends to save Starbuck while they are sailing on the seas. During their trip the boats are attacked by Mobydick. This is the reason why Captain Ahab objects to Starbuck's desire and he forgets about his promise.
"Civil Peace" is short story written by Nigerian novelist Chinua Achebe. It deals with the influence of the 1960's Nigerian Civil War on the people, and how civil peace continued in the country. In the story, the protagonist Jonathan repairs his house and he decides to open a bar for soldiers there. After the civil war, he feels fortunate that his family is alive and has access to the basic needs of life.
a) The Disney movie selected for analysis is Cinderella.
b) The social institution in such movie is marriage.
c) Sociological perspective: Feminism.
Here is the analysis:
- In Disney's Cinderella, feminism, that is, the thought of equality between sexes, is not apparent. This approach takes roots in the movie's idea of a poor girl with a miserable life who dreams about a prince who marries her and takes her to his kingdom for "salvation" and, on the other hand, the prince falls in love with her only because she is pretty. But nowadays, feminism would ask: why does she need a prince to thrive in life when she is plenty and has plenty to make the effort to achieve her own progress?
- Another point for discussion is how do they fall in love in the first place: they barely know each other but, yeah, they are in love. So, the movie shows a "superficial love", since if Cinderella wasn't pretty, he would never love her back.
- Thus, the movie encourages little girls to aspire to find the other significant one and get married with a "him", instead of showing girls how to overcome themselves and afterwards, falling in love, because only if you fall in love with yourself, you can fall for someone else.