7a-5 = 2a-15
subtract 2a
add 5
Divide by 5
c .When they reached the summit of Haleakala, it was almost dawn, they took pictures of the sun risingover the volcanic rim.
As you can see, the phrase shown in the question aciam, presents a sequence of activities that a group of individuals performed on the summit of Haleakala. These activities must be separated by commas, however, as it is a sequence of activities, it is not correct that the last comma is accompanied by the word "and", which means that option A is incorrect.
It is also not correct to use the adverb "then" after the pronoun "they", which indicates that option B is also incorrect and option C is correct.
I have discord that's all no insta though also hi
e local demagogue promised to generate more jobs if the people voted for him.
Missy’s friends consider her taste in clothes and accessories to be rather bourgeois.
Rachel’s enimagic behavior made her friends think she was hiding something.
The unyielding ruler Louis XVI had all the characteristics of a deposit.
Karen’s bad attitude precipitated her getting kicked off the school basketball team.
Renee coddled her new puppy and let it sleep at the foot of her bed every night.
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