8 different combinations of gametes can be produced by this mosquito, assuming no homologous recombination between chromosomes
The mosquito has 6 chromosomes. This means that means it has 3 pairs of homologous chromosomes. Basically, we can assume the number of different gametes by 2 to the power of 3 as their are 3 homologous pairs. This means 2×2×2 which will be equal to the amount of eight. Hence, eight different combination of gametes will be produced.
3A)Amino acids-peptide
3B)Enzymes–speed up
3C)Active sites–substrate
3E)[follow the instructions given]
4B)Nucleotide—Deoxyribose–Phosphate–Nitrogen base
4E)Hydrogen bonds
Cerebrospinal Fluid
Produced by the choroid plexuses of the brain, the cerebral spinal fluid is contained in the subarachnoid cavity and spinal canal. It is reabsorbed by the arachnoid granulations.
Besides acting as a cushion for the CNS, the cerebral spinal fluid plays a critical part in the immunology of the central nervous system, blood flow in the CNS and autoregulation.
The manager
xyz mall
Sub-regarding loss of purse
This is to bring to ur notice that I have lost my purse in ur mall. I left my purse at the shop around 4:00 pm on Saturday 8th November 2020. It was purple in color with A brand logo of GUCCI on it and has a credit card, photo ID, debit card, and some cash.
Kindly look into this and please find my purse. I will be highly obliged.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully,
(ur full name)
(your address)
(your locality)
(your city).
When using the forced-choice procedure in measuring odor detection thresholds, the experimenter should separate trial by about 30 second Forced force method an experimental methods which help to obtain threshold.For a single interval and forced choice method there they are at least three procedure for collecting data.