God had commanded (Moses) to take his people to the promise land he had for his people but because if their foolishness they had to wonder in the wilderness for 40 yrs, after the 40 yrs it was mostly a new generation so then the new generation kept traveling to their promise land. All the Israelite's looked up to Moses, and in the bible it say's a cloud in form if pillar would guide them during the day and a pillar of fire in the night.
The jews
To them they considered them as rats.
An increase in life expectancy
The toll addiction takes on a person’s life — family, friends, career, emotional and physical health, finances and personal safety — is staggering. Right now, more than 21 million Americans have some sort of substance abuse disorder. Despite the crushing effects addiction can have, only one person in every five of those suffering receives the help they need.
He believed that China was poisoned by old ways and traditions which had ruined it through its impurities and he urged the youth to accept this new modernized look on life which completely revolutionized culture in the land. Numerous cultural practices were even forbidden by law as they were seen as backwards.