A and E are the correct answers. Bulgaria and Albania are by Macedonia, meaning its by the old Yugoslavia, witch also means its more south of Europe. Croatia is part of what was Yugoslavia, making it too far south.
Which of these statements is most likely correct about the stars?
Star 2 attracts Star 1 with a greater gravitational force than Star 1 attracts Star 2.
No, because Third Newton Law states that both forces are equal in magnitude.
Earth exerts almost equal gravitation force on both the stars.
No, because the Universal Gravitational Law, estblished by Newton, states the atraction force to two masses is proportional to the product of the masses.
Star 1 attracts Star 2 with a greater gravitational force than Star 2 attracts Star 1.
No (same reason for the first statement)
Earth exerts greater gravitation force on Star 2 than on Star 1.
Right. This is the correct statement. Given the mass of Star 2 is greater than the mass of Star 1, by the Universal Gravitational Law, the earth exerts greater gravitational attraction on Star 2.
Which statement describes clean air as a natural resource?
Clean air reduces the risk of illnesses and other health problems.
Leaching removes nutrients from the soil. The nutrient cycle is slower than in the tropical rainforest as temperatures are not as high, so decomposition is slower, and there is less rainfall.