Better life
The quality of life is better in Minnesota than Vietnam so that may be a reason why citizens from Vietnam to immigrate or move to Minnesota.
The false statement is - B. This map projection does not distort shapes.
The map shown on the image is a Mollweide projection map. This is a map that has an elliptical shape, unlike most of the maps that have a rectangular shape. It is a map that pretty accurately manages to depict the Earth's continents with their right sizes.
Unfortunately, it can not be said that the map is without flaws. It is a map that has distortions, as all the others do, but it is still a map where the distortions are very small, thus the depiction is much accurate than on most of the other map projections.
A. The formation of new democracies after the fall of the Soviet Union
ep·och - noun
a period of time in history or a person's life, typically one marked by notable events or particular characteristics.
"the Victorian epoch"
It isn't really a country but it is located in Egypt around 153 miles southwest of the center of Cairo.