yes because I we keep wasting things were gonna eventually run out of the thing were wasting and wish we didnt waste it
I will organize the columns like this
1 4
2 5
3 6
Themes include: 1, 3, 5
Informative Phrases include: 2, 4, 6
c. . . manageable . . .
Stressors and negative emotions are both manageable because when people feel stressed they are more prone to negative emotions and will end up having a lot of negative consequences. At the same time, these people can fight their stressors and negative emotions.
They are unhealthy but they cannot avoid them because it is part of the emotions that arise uncontrollably.
I hope the answer is helpful.
Thanks for asking.
A) It is important to use credible sources in an academic research paper because your audience will expect you to have backed up your assertions with credible evidence. Using evidence that does not come from a credible source of information will not convince your reader that your claim is plausible or even correct.
B) When you create an Access database, you store your data in tables—subject-based lists that contain rows and columns. For instance, you can create a Contacts table to store a list of names, addresses, and telephone numbers, or a Products table to store information about products.
C) To cut to the chase, “key takeaway” refers to any learning point or even teaching moment from a real-life experience. It can also come from reading or observation, or attending a seminar or conference, or even from a small talk encounter.