Queen Latifah wrote and sang the theme song, in addition, she starred in the Fox Sitcom "Living Single".
Living Single was a comedy on Fox network that aired for 5 seasons from August 1993 to Jan 1998 that launched the acting career of Queen Latifah. It was one of the most popular African American centric sitcoms and followed six pals living in Brooklyn.
At the conclusion of the French and Indian War, the Declaration of 1763 was issued by the British to appease Native Americans by verifying the colonization of their territories by European settlers. And in the years following the proclamation, it has been one of the key components of the United States and Canada of Native American law.
He tried to - in order to deal with the crippling debts of the French state (mostly incurred by various wars - most recently the French help to the American War of Independence), but he decided that he did not have the authority to impose new taxes. He turned first to an assembly of nobles (it is not true that French nobles paid no taxes - but they were free of some of the more important taxes) and then called an “Estates General” (the first for more than a century) in the hopes that the nobles and church would agree to contribute more money. But the whole thing got horribly out of hand (partly because Louis XVI was a very weak man - but also because he went into mourning for a dead son at a key time politically) and the French Revolution was the result.
The Indian Removal act was harsh because many native Americans were forced out of their homes and to a small are when they actually were supposed to own all of it. Another reason it was harsh was because many of them died because of no food, poor living conditions and some of the were simply not fit to make the move.