playing the game. even if you don't win, you are still getting the experience of playing to win later on
“Festival” is really the right word, because liberty is truly something to be celebrated, its realization a cause for joy and an occasion for happiness. ...
The story describes a young middle-class English woman who "had no luck." Although outwardly successful, she is haunted by a sense of failure; her husband is not good and her job as a commercial artist does not earn as much as she would like. Family life exceeds their income and unspoken anxiety about money permeates the home. Her children, a son Paul and her two sisters, feel this anxiety; children even say they can hear the house whispering, "There must be more money."
Paul tells his uncle Oscar Cresswell about gambling on horse races with Bassett, the outfielder. He has been making bets using his pocket money and has won and saved three hundred and twenty pounds. Sometimes he says he is "sure" of a winner for an upcoming race and that the horses he names win, sometimes with remarkable odds. Uncle Oscar and Bassett make big bets on the horses that Paul names.
After more profit, Paul and Oscar arrange to give the mother a gift of £ 5,000, but the gift only allows her to spend more. Disappointed, Paul tries harder than ever to be "lucky". As the Derby approaches, Paul is determined to learn the winner. Concerned about his health, his mother returns home from a party and discovers his secret. He has spent hours riding his rocking horse, sometimes overnight, until he "gets there," to a clairvoyant state where he can be sure of the winner's name.
On the other hand, the pyramid explanation always starts from an important or more pathognomonic point of the analysis, and then it is explained in different aspects. Ideally, the topic of the pyramid peak should be the most relevant and, as it develops, it should cover other less relevant topics, thus considering the less important topics as those of the "base".
Think of a pyramid structure that starts at the top as a single point and expands more as we go to different lower levels.
Getting to know someone can be hard. Sometimes it takes courage to ask or say certain things.
Getting to know someone is like getting to learn about something new. Always start off by asking name,age or etc. Do not get too deep because it can get too personal and a lot of people are insecure about certain things. Also it really depends on why you want to get to know someone maybe it can be for a relationship or etc. It isn't easy nor is it hard. Being self centered or TOO relatable can lead to getting off the topic of "getting to know someone", always try and stick to what they are saying and etc. Don't be too harsh or rude it can make people think otherwise or even lose confidence in themselves. Always think about what can possibly happen if getting to know someone this well what can happen in the future or how it will affect you. Always have a positive start don't be negative. Try not making the situation too serious that may lead to boredom for the person or even yourself, making you lose interest in getting to know them.
It is all a process but at the end sometimes it's worth it.
(This is probably really bad but I'm just giving you ideas)
I think it is a therapeutic way to get out emotions that you dont know how to put in words