Question 1: Read the following passage on speaking, and identify all the pronouns. Indicate whether each is personal, interrogat
ive, indefinite, demonstrative, possessive, or relative. What is the value of clear speaking? Is yours as clear as it can be? Everyone knows clear speaking is important for success in every kind of business, and that it is important in interactions with relatives and friends. Anyone who will study and practice good speaking for a reasonable time can acquire the skill. These are some of the things that you should keep in mind if you would like to improve yours. Good speaking depends, first of all, on correct breathing. What is “correct breathing”? In time you will come to breathe correctly without giving it thought, for “correct” is whatever is easiest and most natural for each of us.
Here is the list of pronouns in the order they appear in the text, assigned to their particular groups: 1. interrogative pronouns (the ones who ask a certain question): WHAT, WHAT 2. possessive pronouns (the ones which show a certain possession): YOURS, YOURS 3. personal pronouns (I, you, he, she...): IT, IT, YOU, YOU, YOU, IT, US 4. indefinite pronoun (you cannot exactly determine who it is about): EVERYONE, ANYONE, SOME, ALL, EACH 5. relative pronouns (connect a clause to a noun/pronoun): WHO, THAT, WHATEVER 6. demonstrative pronouns (point to a particular thing): THESE