In the two poems, the journey is a metaphor for life and passage into afterlife. In Ulysses Tennyson talks about how his life is nearing its end and how he's old now while in crossing the bar he talks about dying and going into afterlife. Both poems use the motif of journey on open seas to describe venturing into the unknown, that is, how life passes quickly as a journey does and the next stop on the journey is afterlife.
Exports are goods and services that are produced in one country and sold to buyers in another. Exports, along with imports, make up international trade.
Kristallnacht was an important event as it is considered the beginning of the holocaust. Throughout Germany and Austria, a pogrom was initiated by the Nazis. Synagogues were destroyed and Jewish shops were looted and ransacked. 91 Jews were killed and thousands of Jewish men were taken to concentration camps. This event became known as the November Pogrom or Kristallnacht.
Answer: Martin Luther believed in a) salvation through faith in God's forgiveness (not in God's works), b) Church teachings based on Bible, Pope, and Church tradition were false authorities, c) all people with faith were equal; people did not need Priests to interpret the Bible, d) he rejected 5 of the 7 sacraments because the bible didn't mention them, e) he simplified the mass and emphasized the homily (sermon), and f) permitted the clergy to many.
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