true true false true true false false false true true
Answer: B, but not really...
Alternate Answer: Stars don't move, they are stationary in space.The Earth rotates around the sun and it appears that the sun and stars rotate around us, but they don't.
monsoon: a storm that causes heavy flooding and extreme wind damage
(put in your own words!!!!)
Light winter gear and summer clothing.
From what I remember its usually mild winters and hot summers.
The Southern Hemisphere is dominated by oceans, relative to the Northern Hemisphere.
Explanation: The Southern Hemisphere is dominated by maritime influences, whereas the Northern Hemisphere is dominated by continentality.
The Southern Hemisphere has much less land than the Northern Hemisphere, resulting in weaker asymmetries at its lower boundary. A more zonally symmetric circulation, with smaller-amplitude stationary waves, is thus expected. Due to the larger fraction of the ocean, the seasonal cycle will also be muted. The seasonal change in surface temperature, for example, will be smaller than in the Northern Hemisphere.