Like a j. kind of like “just” . I don’t think I can explain it any better, pardon.
21 mal
22 enferma
23 pasa
24 duele
25 grasa
26 mejor
27 acostarte
28 levantar
29 mantenerte
30 lavarme
<span>The prophets were the people who claimed to be instructed by God to share His words. They were important because they were the ones responsible to teach the Israelites about God's words. - Don Stewart</span>
<h2>1. Right answer:</h2><h3>cinco</h3><h3 />
Armando takes five subjects:
- Antropología that translates into Anthropology
- Filosofía that translates into Philosophy
- Italiano that translates into Italian
- Cálculo that translates into Calculus
- Japonés that translates into Japanese
So <em>Armando toma </em><em>cinco</em><em> clases en la universidad </em>means <em>Armando takes </em><em>five</em><em> classes at the university. </em>It is important to say that this sentence stands for the simple present. In this way, toma is the conjugation of the verb tomar for the third person singular.
<h2>2. Right answer:</h2><h3>ciencias</h3><h3 />
Julia takes four subjects:
- Astronomía that translates into Astronomy
- Italiano that translates into Italian
- Geología that translates into Geology
- Cálculo that translates into Calculus
So <em>Julia toma dos clases de </em><em>ciencias</em><em> </em>means J<em>ulia takes two </em><em>science</em><em> classes. </em>These two science classes are Astronomy (astronomía) and Geology (geología).
<h2>3. Right answer:</h2><h3>japonés</h3><h3 />
From the four subjects Armando takes, we know that two are Italian (italiano) and Japanes (Japonés), that is, 50% if his classes are language classes. In other words, <em>Armando toma italiano y japonés </em>translates into <em>Armando takes Italian and Japanese. </em>This sentence is also given in the simple present standing for the third person singular.
<h2>4. Right answer:</h2><h3>italiano</h3><h3 />
If you take a look on the lists of Armando and Julia, you can realize that the matching subjects are italian (italiano) and cálculo (calculus). In this way, we know that the correct answer is <em>italiano </em>because this option is given in the answers. So <em>Armando y Julia estudian</em><em> italiano </em><em>los martes y jueves </em>translates into <em>Armando and Julia study </em><em>Italian</em><em> on Tuesdays and Thursdays.</em>