B. angered people in other Latin American countries.
The Dollar Diplomacy was Taft's foreign policy plan to remove military intervention in Latin America but remain in economic control.
Dollar Diplomacy promised the removal of American troops however to maintain economic control, the military was often used to intervene. In Nicaragua, the military was used to stage a political coup (overthrow) so bring in a pro-US government. This angered many in Nicaragua as well as surrounding countries. There was fear the US would continue imperial control, manipulating the newly formed governments in Latin America.
The world's population today is much larger than it has been in anytime in the history of the world, and has been continuing to grow ever since the Industrial Revolution, since this raised the living standards and increased in incomes of an enormous number of people, especially in the western world. Advances in medicine have also played a major role.
Twain believed that obeying is the best policy because if children don't behave, their parents will make them do it regardless. Twain instructs the youth to avoid violence by actually enforcing it upon someone, and then regretting it and apologizing for acting in such an uncivil way.