1. If you work as a health professional or related to administrative branch of the medical field, understanding such terms are of upmost importance as you will encounter such terms in everyday work. If you work in the administrative side such as a cashier or a bill coder, then understanding these terms will help in the preparation of medical bills or documents for the patient as each organ system or disease have specific codes (ICD or CPT); and if the patient asks you questions about those terms, then you can easily answer it.
2. Understanding word parts will help you identify medical terms (i.e. cardio/logy - cardio- means heart and logos means the study of, or sarcoma - sarco- means fleshy and -oma means new growth). Having this knowledge is helpful in deducing terms that you don't have full knowledge of. This is important if you work in medical documentation or in medical records.
Just ignore her/him and don't talk with her
Here you go!
Salat al-jama‘ah (Congregational Prayer) or prayer in congregation (jama'ah) is considered to have more social and spiritual benefit than praying by oneself. When praying in congregation, the people stand in straight parallel rows behind the chosen imam, facing qibla.
The answer is Blood Chemistries.
The sac that the hair fiber grows in is called the
<span>hair follicle. </span>