Supporting details are reasons, examples, facts, steps, or other kinds of evidence that explain the main idea. Major details explain and develop the main idea.
"Her situation demanded that she grow up before she should have."
In the given excerpt from "Pakistan's Malala" the author details how living in the Swat Valley under the rule of the Taliban greatly affected everyone especially Malala. And with the atmosphere, she also had to get accustomed to whatever is being brought up by the rulers.
The given excerpt reveals how she was made to grow up despite her young age. She wasn't a child with an <em>"idealist activist attitude"</em>, being merely a 10/11-year-old girl. But her love of books and studies were always there. The statement <em>"her situation demanded she grow up before she should have" </em>clearly reflects how she was affected by the Taliban's presence in her Swat Valley village.
In "Dover Beach" by Matthew Arnold, the speaker, in a world filled with misery, finds solace with his death. Since there is nothing he can do to change the world he lives in, the only solution and escape is death.
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