Wake up in the morning at 7 am. Take bath after apply oil on head.Having breakfast together and go to temple. Relatives and friends will come to house. Greet them. Serve them food and drinks. Celebration of Deepavali finished
George Whitefield was an English cleric (priest) of the Anglican Church who contributed to the Great Awakening in 1740 in America. He traveled through the colonies and preached and was very popular, drawing also a lot of media attention (newspapers at the time).
The majority of private ownership and limited government ownership of businesses in the economies is a characteristic of mixed economy.
Mixed economies typically maintain private ownership and control of most of the means of production, but often under government regulation.Most of the democratic economies of the world follow this model of economy as it is beneficial for the democracy. The United States, France and Germany all were once fully capitalist have now turned towards mixed economy.