" this premeditated invasion "
" our interests are in grave danger "
The author seems to want to make the reader step back and ponder, maybe a bit out of fear as much as anything else. And he does so by using loaded words like " grave " Invasion " " premeditated " ect. ect.
It's avail, avail means make use of
Hitler used flashy signs and brilliant parades to show what it would be like to be a nazi. This allowed him to become leader of Germany. He then recruited a massive army of nazi soldiers. They were taught to think like hitler (in the sense of racism and world domination) and act upon these desires. This was mainly done theeough Hitler Youth because the younger minds were easier to manipulate. Hitler would also used flouride (which drops IQ for a time when taken in a larger dose than is in toothpaste) to lower soldiers IQ so they would blindly follow him and do everything he said.
The correct answers are:
"That she hath engrossed us is true, and defended the continent at our expense as well as her own is admitted, and she would have defended Turkey from the same motive, viz., the sake of trade and dominion."
"We have boasted the protection of Great Britain, without considering, that her motive was interest not attachment"
How is old age a problem ???