There are many aspects to Romanticism, although from the list above perhaps the best options are "emotion" "mystery" and "melancholy"
The average number of misprints per page in a company’s annual reports is 0.4. If a page is selected
at random, find the probability that it will contain more than two misprints. (5 marks)
(b) On average, one in every four new clients approached by an insurance salesman purchases an insurance policy. Suppose that the salesman approaches five new clients.
(i) Find the probability that exactly two will buy a policy. (5 marks)
(ii) Find the probability that at least two will buy a policy. (5 marks)
Conquistador in means to conquer
The Movable Type Printing Press
The Movable Type Printing Press was invented by the famous Johann Gutenberg and this went a long way to significantly influence and amplify the spread or dissemination of information during the Protestant Reformation.
The Movable Type Printing Press was an invention which allowed the Protestant Reformation to spread rapidly throughout Europe.