The conflict between Israel and Palestina began with the creation of the State of Israel in 1948 and the conflict can be traced back when the Arabs opposed to Jewish immigration to Palestine after the end of WWII, as well as sectarian conflict in Mandatory Palestine.
The conflict is basically for the land when United Nations recommended the partition of Palestine into two states one Jewish and one Arab. The Jewish accepted the UN resolution but not the Arabs.
Any system of government in which rule is by the people is called a b)democracy. Democracy is generally defined as "rule by the people, for the people." Usually the political system of a democracy includes a) a political system for choosing and replacing people through free and fair elections, b) active participation of people in civic and political life c) protection of human rights for all citizens in a society and d) all laws and procedures are applied equally to each citizen.
What is it you need exactly?
3. The literacy rate began to rise as interest in learning grew.
4. Books became available to many people throughout Europe.
Before the results of the printing press, when Johannes Gutenberg invented it in 1440, only about thirty percent of European adults were literate (could read and write). His invention flooded Europe with printed material which is when literacy rates began to rise after interest in learning increased.