it is expected that the mutation results in a reduced initiation of translation and thereby decreasing the level of the protein A, while it does not change the level of mRNA A
Translation in bacteria starts with the formation of the initiation complex which is composed of the small ribosomal subunit, the messenger RNA (mRNA), initiation factors and the initiator transference RNA (tRNA) containing N-formyl-methionine. The small ribosomal subunit binds to a polypurine stretch of variable length in the mRNA called 'the Shine-Dalgarno sequence'. A mutation in this sequence reduces the affinity of the ribosome for the mRNA, thereby, in this case, decreasing the level of protein A. Since transcription occurs before translation, it is expected that this mutation does not change the level of expression of the mRNA A.
This would happen because we have devices such as seismographs to record the motion of the ground during an earthquake. Without that, we wouldn't know how big the earthquake is and how to prepare for survival.
6-C (breaks off)
7-C(they secrete acid that breaks away rocks)
Discovery of vaccine for smallpox, viruses and actual organisms that cause many diseases lead to the development of Germ Theory.
- Theory was the 'predominant theory' of 'disease transmission' before germ theory but it is no longer accepted as a 'scientific theory' of diseases.
- 'Formal and reliable experiments' on germs and diseases relationship were 'conducted by Louis Pasteur'.
- He showed that growth of microorganisms was not a spontaneous generation and his pasteurization experiment provided key pieces of evidence that supported germ theory.
A contour interval is the lines on a topographic map that state the height (from sea level) of the hill, valley, mountain or the ground level.