Besides cell walls, features often found in plant cells but not in animal cells are: <span>· Chloroplast- specialized organelles in which light energy is converted to chemical energy during the photosynthesis(chloroplasts contain chlorophylls a and b-green color of the plant)
</span> <span>· Vacuole-central organelle filled with fluid for storing food (sometimes it is found in animals but rare)</span><span><span>· </span>in animals but rare)</span>
<span><span>· </span>Starch-energy storage of plants (it is glycogen in animals)</span> <span> </span>
He’s more active outside of the womb, and only has milk instead of whatever the mother was eating.
Hey there!
There are different types of nerves. Some of them are sensory nerves like the ones in your hands and feet, and some complete other functions. However, they all originate from somewhere.
Cranial nerves originate from the brain itself, and spinal nerves come from the spinal cord. Damaging any can cause serious injury like death and paralysis. There are 12 cranial nerves in the nervous system, and 10 out of 12 originate in the brain stem.
Hope this helps!
He took swabs of one pea plant and put it on others to help them reproduce.