residents of Southern states
If you think it is democrats, its not, because if you look at the YES column for democrats it is more YES' than NO'S.
I did the test! :)
⭑ turn from your sins and live life with Jesus and you can cast all your anxieties on Him because He loves you! No matter what! Just turn from the wicked world! Trust in Him!
Atomic Bomb question
Harry Truman was in charge because Franklin Roosevelt Died from a stroke in April of 1945. We dropped the first bomb on Hiroshima on August, 6, 1945 And then on August 9 1945 we dropped another bomb on Nagasaki. The reason we dropped 2 bombs instead of one is because the whole purpose of dropping the first one was to get Japan to surrender and they didn't so we dropped another one and they finally did surrender. the names of the bombs where Fat man And Little Boy.
Tbh I’m not to sure but it reminds me of that time where after ww2 I believe many soldiers came home and had babies know as the baby boom
general Washington was a great leader the reason most soldiers left was because of the weather conditions and not wanting to die.