Islamic achievements in the fields of art, literature, science, medicine, etc. in no way refute the fact that Islam is intrinsically violent.
1. May 29, 1851: Sojourner Truth delivers her “Ain't I a Woman” speech.
2. 1869: Susan B. ...
3. August 18, 1920: Women win the right to vote.
4. June 10, 1963: The Equal Pay Act passes.
5. July 10, 1971: Gloria Steinem, Bella Abzug, and Betty Friedan form the National Women's Political Caucus.
6. 1971: Gloria Steinem starts Ms. magazine
population growth mmm gud one. I will just give what people dont like to hear and tht is THE AGENDA AND CONSPIRACY OF BILL GATES DEPOPULATELING THE PLANET WITH VACCINES THAT KILL YOUR CELLS .
"C. the results of the Mexican War"
4.) France and Great Britain
France and the British Empire were colonial superpowers for more then 400 years. They managed to conquer and control enormous amounts of territory across the planet. One of the continents that they managed to colonize was Africa. There were other countries that had their colonies in Africa too, but these two countries were by far superior. Because they were able to conquer most of the continent, these two European countries managed to make lot of wealth from the natural resources of Africa, as well as its labor force. Also, apart from having benefit, they contributed to the cultural landscape of Africa, with the English and French languages, as well as multiple other cultural traits, such as their religion, became widespread across the continent.