heavy rain and the occasional hail, thunder, and lightning
<u><em>by g00gle definition</em></u><u>,</u> commonly, when the cold front is passing, winds become gusty; there is a sudden drop in temperature, and heavy rain, sometimes with hail, thunder, and lightning. lifted warm air ahead of the front produces cumulus or cumulonimbus clouds and thunderstorms.
for more on how cold fronts affect the weather, you should check these out-,or%20cumulonimbus%20clouds%20and%20thunderstorms.
good luck :)
i hope this helps
have a nice day!
A commercial site might have reliable information, you have to be extra careful because commercial sites promote businesses, products, or services, so the content is likely to be biased toward whatever is being promoted. Once you have looked at the overall website, look at who wrote the article you are interested in. The article should include the author’s name, qualifications, and contact information. Consider whether the author is an expert on the subject matter and whether the author is qualified to write about it.
There is sufficient evidence indicating the efficacy of interventions in reducing risk factors, increasing protective factors, preventing psychiatric symptoms and new cases of mental disorders. Macro-policy interventions to improve nutrition, housing and education or to reduce economic insecurity have proven to reduce mental health problems. Specific interventions to increase resilience in children and adolescents through parenting and early interventions, and programmes for children at risk for mental disorders such as those who have a mentally ill parent or have suffered parental loss or family disruption, have also shown to increase mental well-being and decrease depressive symptoms and the onset of depressive disorders. Interventions for the adult population, from macro-policy strategies, such as taxation of alcohol products or workplace legislation, to individual support for those with signs of a mental disorder, can reduce mental health problems and associated social and economic burdens. Exercise, social support or community participation have also shown to improve mental health of older populations. Public mental health will benefit from continuing building the evidence base through combining different evaluation methods across low, middle and high income countries. The translation of evidence into policy and practice calls for action at the international, national and local level, including building capacity, advocacy, mainstreaming mental health into public health and other policies and securing infrastructures and sustainability. Mental health professionals have an important role to play in improving the evidence on prevention and promotion in mental health, in engaging relevant stakeholders for developing programmes, and as professional care providers in their practice.
Dan Pacholke is a prison administrator and reformer who has an experience of 30 years working in the sector. He has made numerous efforts throughout the years to improve the living conditions of confined prisoners, including giving them education programs.
When he says that the system has become very good at containing people who have fallen through all other social safety nets, he means that the there are very little efforts done in order to prevent people to incur in actions that would lead them to imprisonment. In other words, there is no proactive program to prevent people to commit more crimes but rather a reactive one that is prepared to receive people who have already done some sort of harm to society.
It is imperfect because all lose reasons you have and I took about it.