Answer: Logical Point Blocking
The variable options is a list containing 5 string values
options = ["ski", "surf", "jog", "bike", "hike"]
Indexing in python starts from 0 ; hence the index values of the list values are :
0 - ski
1 - surf
2 - jog
3 - bike
4 - hike
The statement ;
print(options[2]) means print the string at index 2 in the list named options
The string at index 2 is jog ;
Hence, the string jog is printed.
Yes because when you are continued or addicted to a certain drug (alcohol) you can get addicted to harder substances
See the program code below.
def cube_SA(edge):
edge = int(input("Enter the cube's edge: "))
sa = edge * edge * 6
print("The surface area is {} square units".format(sa))
Best Regards!
When you don't know the answer to a question, a good incident management strategy is to tell the user that you'll research the question and get back to him or her.
<h3>What is
incident management?</h3>
Incident management can be defined as a strategic process through which a business organization or company identifies, analyzes, and correct hazards, so as to ensure that normal service operation is restored as quickly as possible to end users after a disruption, as well as to prevent a re-occurrence of these hazards in the future.
As a support agent, if you don't know the answer to a question, a good incident management strategy is to tell the user that you'll research the question and get back to him or her at a latter time.
Read more on incident management here: