Java in JavaScript does not correspond to any relationship with Java programming language.
The prefix Java in Javascript is there for historical reasons.
The original internal name of Javascript when it was created by Brendan Eich at Netscape was Mocha. This was released to public as Livescript in 1995. The name Livescript was eventually changed to Javascript in Netscape Navigator 2.0 beta 3 release in December 1995 after Netscape entered into an agreement with Sun Microsystem. The primary purpose of change of name seemed to be as a marketing aid to benefit from the growing popularity of Java programming language at that time.
Mac Address
The MAC address or Media Access Control is a unique identifier that each manufacturer assigns to their devices that can connect to the network. They consist of 48 bits in hexadecimal form, grouped into 12 pairs of characters and each character is formed by four binary numbers, generally separated by a colon. MAC addresses are used in the data link layer of the OSI model, specifically in the lower Medium Access Control layer. An example of a MAC address could be:
10: 68: c5: 5e: 27: 3f.
Adjusting entries are changes to journal entries you've already recorded.