Answer: The child is adapting to social situations in the home more faster than outside the home. Because the child has found the home to be a more favourable environment, where almost everything is familiar. For instance the child has known the television to be a screen play to be watched and you have to sit down facing the television, the child always want to sit down in the sitting room and watch television with us. But outside the home, the child always want to be guilded, as he feel terrified with the new environment.
The child have an emotional problem, which is affecting his behaviors, because he is not always relaxed and comfortable when outside the home.
This problems occurs because little children believes that things should be static and always at sight. This is why their feel terrified when outside the home or when the mother is not at sight their tend to cry. Little children also believes that, even when things already known are not at sight, it still exist and the only way to bring it back to sight is by crying. This is why their cry when their can't see their mother, or when in the hands of strangers for long.
To control this problem the child should be given the same play ground at home, even when outside the home. And the child should be allowed to associate with it's fellow children outside the home.